Author name: Red Pill Reports

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Dr. Dennis Harris

Dr. Dennis Harris

Dr. Harris’ major passion in medicine has been the non-surgical diagnosis and treatment of pain. This propelled Dr. Harris into active research and development wherein, during the past twelve years, he has created an entire line of natural, safe, effective and unique products.

Comet LoveJoy

Comet LoveJoy

Discovered in August of 2014, Comet Lovejoy is currently sweeping north through the constellation Taurus, bright enough to offer good binocular views. Glowing softly with a greenish hue, Comet Lovejoy passed closest to planet Earth on January 7, while its perihelion (closest point to the Sun) will be on January 30. Classed as a long period comet, it should return again … in about 8,000 years.

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