Texas Gunman Attacks Austin PD, Shoots Up Mexican Consulate and Tries to Burn it Down

Texas Gunman Attacks Austin PD, Shoots Up Mexican Consulate and Tries to Burn it Down By Bob Price | Breitbart A man being described as a middle-aged white male opened fire early Friday morning on the Austin Police Department (APD) Headquarters. After firing about 100 rounds, the gunman was killed. It is not known for certain whether …

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U.S. Shale Crash, Russian Tycoon Says

OPEC Policy Ensures U.S. Shale Crash, Russian Tycoon Says

OPEC Policy Ensures U.S. Shale Crash, Russian Tycoon Says By Will Kennedy and Jillian Ward | Bloomberg OPEC policy on crude production will ensure a crash in the U.S. shale industry, a Russian oil tycoon said. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries kept output targets unchanged at a meeting in Vienna today even after this …

OPEC Policy Ensures U.S. Shale Crash, Russian Tycoon Says Read More »

E-cigarettes Contain 10 Times the Carcinogens

E-cigarettes Contain 10 Times the Carcinogens of Regular Tobacco

E-cigarettes Contain 10 Times the Carcinogens of Regular Tobacco By RT Electronic cigarettes contain up to 10 times more cancer-causing substances than regular tobacco, according to the latest study by Japanese scientists. A team of researchers from the Japanese Health Ministry examined the vapor, finding carcinogens like formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The former was found in …

E-cigarettes Contain 10 Times the Carcinogens of Regular Tobacco Read More »


Common Core Concerns Lead to Homeschool Increase

Common Core Concerns Lead to Homeschool Increase By Dr. Susan Berry | Breitbart More parents are removing their children from traditional school environments and are choosing to homeschool them instead due to increased concern over the use of the Common Core standards. The Heartlander reported earlier this month that in the state of North Carolina homeschooling …

Common Core Concerns Lead to Homeschool Increase Read More »

Immigration Amnesty

Congress CAN Pull Financial Rug From Under Obama’s Immigration Amnesty

Congress CAN Pull Financial Rug From Under Obama’s Immigration Amnesty By David Martosko | MailOnline Conservatives in the U.S. Senate got a powerful weapon on Wednesday in the battle over whether they can pull the rug out from under President Barack Obama’s plan to mainstream millions of illegal immigrants into American life. Alabama Sen. Jeff …

Congress CAN Pull Financial Rug From Under Obama’s Immigration Amnesty Read More »

Frequency, DNA and The Human Body

Frequency, DNA and The Human Body

Frequency, DNA and The Human Body By J. Richardson | Prevent Disease Your entire existence…all matter, all life, all experiences–everything owes its existence in the physical world to frequency. Absolutely everything is frequency. You cannot have an experience on this planet without attracting it through frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate tunes into a specific …

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Footage of Cancer Cells Being Eliminated by Cannabis Oil

Mindblowing Microscopic Footage of Cancer Cells Being Eliminated by Cannabis Oil

Mindblowing Microscopic Footage of Cancer Cells Being Eliminated by Cannabis Oil By The Mind Unleashed Cassius Methyl, MassReport | Did you know that studies showed the effectiveness of cannabis at killing cancer cells as long ago as 1974? In 1974, a study from The Washington Post said that THC effectively “slowed the growth of lung …

Mindblowing Microscopic Footage of Cancer Cells Being Eliminated by Cannabis Oil Read More »

3,400 New Regulations

With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving

With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving By Melissa Melton | The Daily Sheeple Although the government and mainstream media perfectly timed the Ferguson grand jury decision to go off right after President Obama passed executive amnesty (which, magically, no one in the mainstream media is talking about anymore), …

With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving Read More »

1-26-2015 – News, Guest Greg Morse

Show Info 11-27-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Greg Morse

In the second hour, JD is joined by Greg Morse. Greg and JD will be discussing the Mortgage fraud scandal, first broken by Greg and his team of investigators, this time in much more detail. We will show definitively, that this is the greatest crime ever perpetrated against the American people and outline the clear path to remedy. We will also get into the technical aspects of the scandal, not only on paper, but also in the collusion of lawyers, judges, congressmen and senators to stifle Greg’s complaint. This is truly the stuff of spy novels, And we are all ‘the patsy’.

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