
Red Pill Reports’ Guests

Chris Kitze

Currently the CEO of Unseen, ehf, a provider of secure and private communications. Kitze has founded and led numerous high tech companies. Starting in digital publishing with CD-ROM’s in the 1980’s, he has focused most of his attention on consumer facing web sites since 1995.

Rick Rozoff

Rick Rozoff

Rick Rozoff lives and works in Chicago and has been an active opponent of war, militarism and intervention for over 40 years. He writes on the threat of international Militarization. Especially on the globalization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Cynthia Marie Brewer

Cynthia Marie Brewer

I am the lady that was unwittingly used in the International Human Genome Project (HGP) in 1997. The truth behind this project was disguised by the “Scientific reporting” skills of the media as Dolly the Sheep. That was not a sheep. It was a chimera and I was used as the host to grow it in.

Elana Freeland

Elana Freeland

Over the years, Elana Freeland has been a Waldorf school pioneer, storyteller, lecturer, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, and for the past two decades has ghostwritten books on diverse topics and edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse.

Richard Mack

Sheriff Richard Mack

A graduate of the FBI National Academy, some of Mack’s positions include: patrol officer, undercover narcotics officer, hostage negotiator, youth officer, school resource officer, communications supervisor, corporal, front desk sergeant, detective, sheriff and more.

12-24-2014 - News, Guest Dr. Richard Alan Miller

Dr. Richard Alan Miller

Author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a depth of knowledge in Alternative Agriculture, Physics, and Metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing conclusions to share.

Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

As a historian in his primary field of study, and an investor in the real world, Kenneth Schortgen has a keen perspective on all facets of the financial world. He has owned his own business and corporation, and has been an investor in many different markets.

Chris Geo

Sheree & Chris Geo

Chris & Sheree are a wealth of information and their combined knowledge of geo-politics, eugenics, economics, alternative history, the occult, and ancient texts and artifacts really brings together the big picture.

Al Adask Sovereign Citizens

Alfred Adask

Alfred Adask worked construction (ditch digger, truck driver, heavy equipment operator, miner, etc.) before a divorce compelled him to become a student of the legal system. One thing led to another and he wound up publishing the AntiShyster News Magazine for 12 years, running for the Texas Supreme Court in A.D. 1992

Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie is a second generation conspiracy theorist. Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s she was exposed very early to the growing world of truth seekers, alternative historians, Clinton scandals, FEMA activities and witchcraft in Saturday morning cartoons.

Guest Andrew Gause

Andrew Gause

Since 1981, Mr. Gause has been apprising Americans about the pitfalls of our electronic banking transactions, and the intrusion of “Big Brother” as we move into a “cashless society”.

James Perloff

James Perloff

James Perloff investigates the global elites agenda to create a new world order through their use of media manipulation, false flag narratives and fictional humanitarian crisis. He uses historical reflection to show that these tactics of control have been used to foment war.

Doreen Hannes

Doreen Hannes

Doreen Hannes has been an avid student of the effects of World Trade Organization Free Trade Agreements on the livelihoods of citizens of the United States since the establishment of the WTO and ratification of NAFTA in 1994­-95.

LC Vincent

L C Vincent has immersed himself in the study of metaphysical pursuits and the hidden history of our world. He pursues his passions for archeology, spelunking, astronomy, media analysis, economics, and writing.

1-26-2015 – News, Guest Greg Morse

Greg Morse

Greg is asking for all Americans to join him in calling for for open and public Federal Joint Congressional Investigation Hearings and testimony regarding “The Mortgage Crisis” and funding of terrorist activities with funds generated by The Mortgage Crisis.

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