Red Pill Reports News & Information

  • SpaceX Offers Starlink To Myanmar, Thailand After 1000 Dead In Massive Earthquake
    by Tyler Durden on March 30, 2025 at 3:55 am

    SpaceX Offers Starlink To Myanmar, Thailand After 1000 Dead In Massive EarthquakeSpaceX announced on Friday that it is "prepared to provide Starlink kits to assist with communications and relief efforts" in Thailand and Myanmar (also known as Burma), after more than 1,000 people were killed when a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the country […]

      Truth Nourishment: Extracts, Supplements, Shakes and more

      Truth Nourishment

      Truth Nourishment: Extracts, Supplements, Shakes and more Products to Benefit Health.
      Nourish: noun
      1. something that nourishes; food, nutriment, or sustenance.
      2. the act of nourishing.
      3. the state of being nourished.

      • Forensic Analysis – This report documents the findings of an examination of tabulated vote databases based on forensic analysis of the drive image of Mesa County, Colorado’s Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) Election Management System (EMS) server. The findings in this report were prepared by the authors as consultants to the legal team representing Tina Peters, the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder, pursuant to her statutory duties as Mesa County’s Chief Election Official. The findings provide evidence of unauthorized and illegal manipulation of tabulated vote data during the 2020 General Election and 2021 Grand Junction Municipal Election.

      Past Guests

      • Gwen Olsen

        Gwen Olsen

        Gwen has a unique industry insider’s perspective of the current U.S. healthcare dilemma, and utilizes both her experience and the insight she received in her extensive sales training with Pharma to illuminate marketing trends and illustrate how current greed and conflicts of interest make the system itself the biggest health risk to American consumers.

      • Stan Deyo

        Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive “black project”, headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of “flying saucer technology”.

      • Jack Blood

        Jack Blood

        Jack Blood understands and decodes the doublespeak, and group-think of the mainstream media, and outlines the agenda of those who would seek to control, misuse, or enslave the planet. Jack has a serious understanding of how the Global Super Elite do their business.

      • Sheriff Richard Mack

        Richard Mack

        A graduate of the FBI National Academy, some of Mack’s positions include: patrol officer, undercover narcotics officer, hostage negotiator, youth officer, school resource officer, communications supervisor, corporal, front desk sergeant, detective, sheriff and more.

      • Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

        Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

        As a historian in his primary field of study, and an investor in the real world, Kenneth Schortgen has a keen perspective on all facets of the financial world. He has owned his own business and corporation, and has been an investor in many different markets.

      • Andrew Gause

        Guest Andrew Gause

        Since 1981, Mr. Gause has been apprising Americans about the pitfalls of our electronic banking transactions, and the intrusion of “Big Brother” as we move into a “cashless society”.

      • Stewart Rhodes

        Stewart Rhodes - Oathkeepers

        Stewart Rhodes is the founder and Director of Oath Keepers. He served as a U.S. Army paratrooper until disabled in a rough terrain parachuting accident during a night jump. Stewart graduated from Yale Law School in 2004.

      • Water Lily

        1-28-2015 – News, Guest Water Lily for

        Now acting a Administrator at Seen, Water Lily oversees a rapidly growing membership of people escaping the tyranny of Surveillance Media. A place where they able to just talk with each other without the Big Brother presence on other sites.

      • Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

        Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

        Truthstream was created by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton, as an outlet to examine the news, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free.

      • Nick Bryant

        Nick Bryant

        Nick Bryant is an investigative journalist whose work largely focuses on the plight of disadvantaged children in the United States. His mainstream and investigative journalism has been featured in Gear, Playboy, the Reader, and on

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