Gary Miliefsky

Show Info 12-08-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Gary Miliefsky

Show Info 12-08-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Gary Miliefsky Second Hour Guest In the second hour, Gary and JD pick up the discussion about personal cyber security in cars and planes, counterveilance techniques to keep you safe, what really happened in the massive Sony breach and what threats might be looming in the global cyber-terror …

Show Info 12-08-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Gary Miliefsky Read More »

Monsanto Pulling Illegal Vote Counters Into Oregon GMO Recount?

Monsanto Pulling Illegal Vote Counters Into Oregon GMO Recount? By Christina Sarich | Natural Society Monsanto Caught ‘Playing Dirty’ At least three counties have thrown out election observers which Monsanto and their cronies flew into Oregon to influence the current recount of votes for Measure 92 to label genetically modified foods. According to Oregon law, only …

Monsanto Pulling Illegal Vote Counters Into Oregon GMO Recount? Read More »

Bankster Lobbyists Try to Sneak Derivatives Bailout in Budget Legislation

Bankster Lobbyists Try to Sneak Derivatives Bailout in Budget Legislation By Kurt Nimmo | Infowars Congress reveals once again it is a tool for the financial elite. More evidence Congress is a subsidiary of Wall Street and the banks. On Friday Michael Krieger, the editor of Liberty Blitzkrieg, wrote about a behind the scenes effort …

Bankster Lobbyists Try to Sneak Derivatives Bailout in Budget Legislation Read More »

Vatican Bank Officials Charged with Embezzlement

Former Vatican Bank Officials Charged with Embezzlement, Accounts Frozen

Former Vatican Bank Officials Charged with Embezzlement, Accounts Frozen By Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. | Breitbart Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi announced Saturday that three top former officials of the Vatican Bank are being charged with embezzlement and that their bank assets totaling 16 million euros have been seized. Former Vatican Bank President Angelo Caloia, …

Former Vatican Bank Officials Charged with Embezzlement, Accounts Frozen Read More »

Google Glass - Replace Passwords with Fingerprints and Eyeballs?

Google Wants to Replace Passwords with Fingerprints and Eyeballs

Google Wants to Replace Passwords with Fingerprints and Eyeballs By Mike Murphy | Quartz Google Glass is due to receive an update in 2015, and if a Google patent submitted last month is any indication, it could include a new feature to let wearers use their fingerprints, or scans of their eyes, instead of passwords …

Google Wants to Replace Passwords with Fingerprints and Eyeballs Read More »

Utah to Seize Own Land From Government, Challenge Federal Dominance

Utah to Seize Own Land From Government, Challenge Federal Dominance of Western states

Utah to Seize Own Land From Government, Challenge Federal Dominance of Western states By Valerie Richardson | The Washington Times ‘Transfer of Public Lands Act’ demands Washington relinquish 31.2 million acres by Dec. 31 In three weeks, Utah intends to seize control of 31.2 million acres of its own land now under the control of …

Utah to Seize Own Land From Government, Challenge Federal Dominance of Western states Read More »

Red Cross CEO Has Been Serially Misleading

The Red Cross CEO Has Been Serially Misleading About Where Donors’ Dollars Are Going

The Red Cross CEO Has Been Serially Misleading About Where Donors’ Dollars Are Going By Jesse Eisinger and Justin Elliott | ProPublica, and Laura Sullivan | NPR This story was co-produced with NPR. The American Red Cross regularly touts how responsible it is with donors’ money. “We’re very proud of the fact that 91 cents …

The Red Cross CEO Has Been Serially Misleading About Where Donors’ Dollars Are Going Read More »

500 more Dead Sea Lions; Fukushima Radiation Continues

500 more Dead Sea Lions; Fukushima Radiation Continues to Spread Across Ocean

500 more Dead Sea Lions; Fukushima Radiation Continues to Spread Across Ocean By Jonathan Benson | Natural News (NaturalNews) Another mysterious wave of dead sea animals has washed ashore in Peru, the possible consequence of ongoing radiation releases from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility in Japan. BBC News reports that 500 dead sea lions were …

500 more Dead Sea Lions; Fukushima Radiation Continues to Spread Across Ocean Read More »

Elana Freeland

Show Info 12-05-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Elana Freeland

Show Info 12-05-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Elana Freeland Second Hour Guest In the second hour, JD is joined by guests Elana Freeland and Billy Hayes. They discuss the weatherization of the Geo-engineering projects currently being carried out across the globe. Elana brings the larger picture into focus while Billy shares first hand knowledge of …

Show Info 12-05-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Elana Freeland Read More »

Elana Freeland

Elana Freeland

Over the years, Elana Freeland has been a Waldorf school pioneer, storyteller, lecturer, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, and for the past two decades has ghostwritten books on diverse topics and edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse.

Richard Mack

Sheriff Richard Mack

A graduate of the FBI National Academy, some of Mack’s positions include: patrol officer, undercover narcotics officer, hostage negotiator, youth officer, school resource officer, communications supervisor, corporal, front desk sergeant, detective, sheriff and more.

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