“No Refusal” Blood-Draw DUI Checkpoints

Federal Funds Fuel Nationwide Increase in “No Refusal” Blood-Draw DUI Checkpoints

Federal Funds Fuel Nationwide Increase in “No Refusal” Blood-Draw DUI Checkpoints By Barry Donegan BenSwann.com often reports on various “no refusal” DUI checkpoints that are being implemented periodically by police in states across the US, at which motorists who are suspected of driving under the influence and refuse a breathalyzer test are sometimes forced to submit to a …

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Nasa Fake Story

‘Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness’ Fake News Story Goes Viral

‘Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness’ Fake News Story Goes Viral By Simi John Thousands of people have been duped by a fake news story claiming that Nasa has forecast a total blackout of earth for six days in December. The story, entitled “Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness …

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Gold and Silver to Record Highs

A Storm of Global Events Is Threatening to Push Gold and Silver to Record Highs

A Storm of Global Events Is Threatening to Push Gold and Silver to Record Highs By Joshua Krause Earlier this week, Mac Slavo reported on an interview conducted with the CEO of Future Majestic Silver Corp, Kieth Neumeyer. In it, Mr. Neumeyer proposed a brilliant way to put an end to the blatant manipulation of …

A Storm of Global Events Is Threatening to Push Gold and Silver to Record Highs Read More »

Sheriff Sends 24 Cops And Armored Vehicle To Collect Civil Judgement From 77 Y/O

Sheriff Sends 24 Cops And Armored Vehicle To Collect Civil Judgement From 77 Y/O

Sheriff Sends 24 Cops And Armored Vehicle To Collect Civil Judgement From 77 Y/O By The Liberty Crier When officials in the tiny Town of Stettin in Marathon County went to collect a civil judgment from 75-year-old Roger Hoeppner this month, they sent 24 armed officers. And an armored military vehicle. Among other issues, the …

Sheriff Sends 24 Cops And Armored Vehicle To Collect Civil Judgement From 77 Y/O Read More »

Paul Offit Trying to Revoke Religious and Philosophical Exemptions to Vaccination

Paul Offit Trying to Revoke Religious and Philosophical Exemptions to Vaccination

Paul Offit Trying to Revoke Religious and Philosophical Exemptions to Vaccination By PF Louis (NaturalNews) Introducing Dr. Paul Offit, the conflicted top pediatrician and millionaire vaccine producer and promoter who claims that a baby can theoretically tolerate 10,000 vaccinations at once. And he wants to make sure that your kids get their share. Remember the …

Paul Offit Trying to Revoke Religious and Philosophical Exemptions to Vaccination Read More »

The Taliban were removed from power in October 2001

Taliban Resurgent As 13-Year War In Afghanistan Nears End

Taliban Resurgent As 13-Year War In Afghanistan Nears End By Christopher Harress As the Afghan military begins its first day in charge of combat operations in the region of Helmand province Monday, a resurgent and strengthened Taliban continues to gain control of key regions, including districts just outside of the nation’s capital, Kabul. The handover …

Taliban Resurgent As 13-Year War In Afghanistan Nears End Read More »

Ottawa Attacker Used Lever Action Rifle, Not an 'Assault Weapon'

Ottawa Attacker Used Lever Action Rifle, Not an ‘Assault Weapon’

Ottawa Attacker Used Lever Action Rifle, Not an ‘Assault Weapon’ By AWR Hawkins When recent Islamic convert Michael Zehif-Bibeau carried out the October 22 terror attack in Ottawa he used a lever action 30-30 rifle, not an “assault weapon.” To be specific, he used a Winchester Model 94 30-30–one of the oldest and most recognizable …

Ottawa Attacker Used Lever Action Rifle, Not an ‘Assault Weapon’ Read More »

21-count Complaint against MERSCORP Holdings, Inc.

21-count Complaint against MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. By Dave Krieger LOS ANGELES — In a timely counterpunch, the Robinson’s new counsel has launched a 21-count Complaint against MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. and MERS, accusing it of concealing its trademark name from Daniel and Darla Robinson in violation of the Lanham Act.   The “Act” is supposed to allow …

21-count Complaint against MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. Read More »

Ferguson Cop 8-20-14

Holder’s Justice Department Isn’t Interested in the Facts in Ferguson

Holder’s Justice Department Isn’t Interested in the Facts in Ferguson By Bryan Preston The official autopsy of Michael Brown leaked Wednesday. It strongly suggests that there was an altercation between Brown and Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson before the 18-year-old man was shot dead on August 9. The autopsy also revealed that Brown had been …

Holder’s Justice Department Isn’t Interested in the Facts in Ferguson Read More »

Daniel Brigman

Daniel Brigman

Daniel was born in the Northeast part of the country but his roots were deeply southern. He was raised in a little town outside of Atlanta. He was taught to fear God and spent a lot of time around his grandparents. Daniel’s grandparents had grown up in the depression era.

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