Malaysia Becomes Angry About Exclusion from MH17 Investigation

Malaysia Becomes Angry About Exclusion from MH17 Investigation

Malaysia Becomes Angry About Exclusion from MH17 Investigation By Eric Zuesse | Washington’s Blog Now nearly five months after the Malaysian Airlines MH17 passenger plane got shot down in Ukraine (killing all 298 onboard), Malaysians are going public with their anger about having been excluded from the investigation-team that is to write the official report …

Malaysia Becomes Angry About Exclusion from MH17 Investigation Read More »

Wells Fargo Predatory Lending

Cook County Accuses Wells Fargo of Predatory Lending

Cook County Accuses Wells Fargo of Predatory Lending By Brena Swanson Cook County, Illinois accused Wells Fargo (WFC) of targeting black and Latino borrowers for more costly home loans than their white counterparts in the Chicago area. Per Bloomberg: The bank’s tactics start at home-loan origination and continue through refinancing and foreclosure, the country said, …

Cook County Accuses Wells Fargo of Predatory Lending Read More »

Doreen Hannes

Show Info 12-02-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Doreen Hannes

Show Info 12-01-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Doreen Hannes Second Hour Guest In the second hour, JD is joined by Doreen Hannes. Doreen has been an avid student of the effects of World Trade Organization Free Trade Agreements on the livelihoods of citizens of the United States since the establishment of the WTO and ratification …

Show Info 12-02-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Doreen Hannes Read More »

Fukushima Worker: They’re Covering up How Much Contamination is Flowing

Fukushima Worker: They’re Covering up How Much Contamination is Flowing into Ocean

Worker: They’re Covering up How Much Contamination is Flowing into Ocean By ENENews Fukushima Worker: They’re covering up how much contamination is flowing into ocean — Scientist: We are measuring higher radiation levels off Japan — Plume near California already exceeds expectations, and will keep rising for years to come — TV: “Cleanup can’t be …

Fukushima Worker: They’re Covering up How Much Contamination is Flowing into Ocean Read More »

Facebook Can Direct Access Your Mobile

Facebook Can Direct Access Your Mobile, Take Pictures or Make Videos

Facebook Can Direct Access Your Mobile, Take Pictures or Make Videos By Christopher Hope Facebook can gain direct access to a person’s mobile and take pictures or make videos at any time without explicit consent, MPs warn as they call on social media companies to simplify their terms and conditions. The MP said that they …

Facebook Can Direct Access Your Mobile, Take Pictures or Make Videos Read More »

Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Show Info 12-01-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Show Info 11-28-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr. Second Hour Guest In the second hour, JD is joined by Kenneth Schortgen Jr. Ken and JD will be speaking about a wide variety of topics, including the recent epidemic of banker suicides, the failed Swiss gold referendum, the nationalization of Russian natural gas lines …

Show Info 12-01-2014 – JD’s News, Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr. Read More »

This Sunday May Mark the End of Western Monetary Dominance

This Sunday May Mark the End of Western Monetary Dominance By Simon Black | Sovereign Man Walking down the streets of Constantinople in the early Middle Ages, you would have immediately felt the energy and prosperity. Constantinople was one of the wealthiest, most advanced cities in the world, and some historians estimate its population could …

This Sunday May Mark the End of Western Monetary Dominance Read More »

Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO's Turkey

Germany’s DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO’s Turkey

Germany’s DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO’s Turkey Tony Cartalucci | Activist Post Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications – possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) is supplied not by “black market oil” or “hostage ransoms” …

Germany’s DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO’s Turkey Read More »

Oath Keepers Help Stop Ferguson from Burning

Ben Swann Exclusive: Called “Domestic Terrorists” by The Feds, Oath Keepers Help Stop Ferguson from Burning

Ben Swann Exclusive: Called “Domestic Terrorists” by The Feds, Oath Keepers Help Stop Ferguson from Burning By Joshua Cook | Oathkeepers You might have seen them on the news. The people protecting Ferguson businesses from the arsonists and looters ransacking Ferguson, Mo. But here is the real story about the organization protecting those businesses. They’re …

Ben Swann Exclusive: Called “Domestic Terrorists” by The Feds, Oath Keepers Help Stop Ferguson from Burning Read More »

Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

As a historian in his primary field of study, and an investor in the real world, Kenneth Schortgen has a keen perspective on all facets of the financial world. He has owned his own business and corporation, and has been an investor in many different markets.

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