Author name: Red Pill Reports

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Sharón Lynn Wyeth

Sharón Lynn Wyeth

As the creator of Neimology® Science, Sharón Lynn Wyeth has supported thousands of people around the world in understanding themselves and others better. Her book has garnered frequent praise and has earned a Literary Excellence Award.

Daniel Estulin

Daniel Estulin

Daniel Estulin is a dangerous man to the status quo. Possessed, obsessed, tenacious and courageous, an award-winning investigative journalist, he is a man who has been in the cross- hairs of the global power brokers for almost two decades.

Lily Tang Williams

Lily Tang Williams

Big government people have always been attracted to power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Big government people are perpetually alarmed busybodies who fearfully want to insert themselves into everybody’s business here and abroad, telling them what to do or not do.

Vanguard Satellite, 1958

Vanguard Satellite, 1958

One of the Vanguard satellites is checked out at Cape Canaveral, Florida in 1958. Vanguard 1, the world’s first solar-powered satellite, launched on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) 1958. It was designed to test the launch capabilities of a three-stage launch vehicle ..

John Perkins

John Perkins

John’s Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, which spent nearly a year and a half on the New York Times bestseller lists and has been published in more than 30 languages and has sold over 1.2 million copies worldwide.

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