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Sovereign Man

Simon Black

Off the top of his head, Simon can cite the price of beachfront property in Croatia, where to bank in Dubai, the best place to store gold in Singapore, which cities in Mexico are the safest, which hospitals in Asia are the most cost-effective and how to find condo foreclosure listings in Panama.

Rocky Mountain National Park Viewed From ISS

Rocky Mountain National Park Viewed From ISS

Marking the 100th anniversary of the Rocky Mountain National Park on Jan. 26, 2015, Expedition 42 Flight Engineer Terry Virts posted this photograph, taken from the International Space Station, to Twitter. Virts wrote, “Majestic peaks and trails! Happy 100th anniversary @RockyNPS So much beauty to behold in our @NatlParkService.”

1-26-2015 – News, Guest Greg Morse

Show Info 1-26-2015 – News, Guest Greg Morse

In the second hour JD is joined by Greg Morse for a deep discussion about the mortgage crisis and its connection to your mortgage, the criminal corporate banking cartel and international terrorism. Greg goes through specific examples of fraud present in 90% of mortgages to help homeowners identify when they have been victems of fraud or broken chains of title.

Chandra X-ray Center Image of Large Magellanic Cloud

Chandra X-ray Center Image of Large Magellanic Cloud

In this image, an expanding shell of debris called SNR 0519-69.0 is left behind after a massive star exploded in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy to the Milky Way. Multimillion degree gas is seen in X-rays from Chandra, in blue. The outer edge of the explosion (red) and stars in the field of view are seen in visible light from the Hubble Space Telescope.

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