Author name: Red Pill Reports

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Niagara Falls Freezes: Pictures Show Frozen Falls as Polar Vortex to Hit US

Niagara Falls Freezes: Pictures Show Frozen Falls as Polar Vortex to Hit US From Heather Saul at The Independent; Incredible pictures show Niagara Falls partially frozen as chilly temperatures continue to bring snow and ice across the US-Canada border. Similar images emerged last year when the falls, which usually see the passage of 567,811 litres …

Niagara Falls Freezes: Pictures Show Frozen Falls as Polar Vortex to Hit US Read More »

Deborah Tavares

Show Info 2-19-2015 – News, Guest Deborah Tavares

In the second hour JD is joined by Deborah Tavares to discuss the latest developments in the fight against a planned global control grid and resource management plan being initiated already here in the United States. We learn from Deborah, what she learned at this years AAAS meeting (Horrific), details about the Global Trends Water Plans and the work of Dr. Andrew Moulden. Was he murdered for his discovery?

Low Down-payment Mortgage Options Return

Low Down-payment Mortgage Options Return

Two big factors that are playing in to the recent ease is the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s new down payment programs and the Federal Housing Administration’s reduction in mortgage insurance premiums.
In October, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced 97% loan-to-value offerings.

Snow-Covered Northeastern United States

Snow-Covered Northeastern United States

Yet another potent winter storm battered the northeastern United States on Feb. 14-15, 2015. The nor’easter brought 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 centimeters) of snow across much of eastern New England, along with tropical storm force winds over 60 miles (100 kilometers) per hour.

Elana Freeland

Show Info 2-16-2015 – News, Guest Elana Freeland

In the second hour, JD is joined by author Elana Freeland for an in depth discussion about the military industrial complex’s plan to completely control the weather as outlined in her newest book, Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Elana talks about the various platforms of engagement, both land and sea based, as well as the plans for the future “space fence” being developed and deployed right now.

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