‘Snail Mail My Email’ Converts Your Digital Message into a Letter and Mails it for Free
Remember when you used to send letter to friends and family? No? Me either. Well, I do, but it was a long time ago and an art that’s is now generally reserved for bills. But, it looks like a small project is attempting to resurrect the lost art of sending handwritten letters by offering to convert your digital note into a physical letter and mailing it out for free.

‘Snail Mail My Email‘ is a movement that was originally started in 2011 by artist, Ivan Cash. When it was first introduced, he hand wrote letters from strangers that were sent in via email. As the project grew, so did the workload and by the end of the campaign he had received over 10,000 letters. Naturally, this was a little overwhelming for Cash to handle himself, so he enlisted a group of volunteers to help him send letters all over the world.
Although that was three years ago, the spirit of the project is still alive and ‘Snail Mail My Email’ will send out your digital message to anyone, anywhere in the world for free. Starting today, you can send in your digital message and the site volunteers will convert it into a handwritten letter. If you’re interested, be sure to submit your message by November 16th, 2014 as that’s when the free offer ends.