‘Records shattered’ at Fukushima

Japan Times: ‘Records shattered’ at Fukushima

Japan Times: ‘Records shattered’ at Fukushima — Radiation levels surge after typhoon — Tepco “doesn’t know why” this is happening — Warning “crisis could get worse” as 180 km/hr storm heading to area.

Original Japan Times headline: Tritium surges tenfold in groundwater at Fukushima nuclear plant; typhoon effect suspected

Altered Japan Times headline: Tritium up tenfold in Fukushima groundwater after Typhoon Phanfone Tritium up tenfold in Fukushima groundwater after Typhoon Phanfone

‘Records shattered’ at FukushimaJapan Times (Jiji Press), Oct. 12, 2014 (emphasis added): The radioactive water woes at [Fukushima] got worse over the weekend after the tritium concentration in a groundwater sample surged more than tenfold… [Tepco] said Saturday that heavy rain caused by Typhoon Phanfone probably affected the groundwater… [The] 150,000 becquerels… is a record for the well… [Beta ray emitters at the well] also shattered records with a reading of 1.2 million becquerels… close to the plant’s port in the Pacific… [Another well had] a record 2.1 million becquerels of a beta ray-emitting substance, nearly double the level from a week earlier… The cesium activity in the sample was 70 percent higher at 68,000 becquerels… Readings hit record highs at three points after the heavy rain caused by the typhoon, but the utility said it does not know why.

Perhaps it has something to do with this report just after the typhoon hit last weekend: Officials: Typhoon triggers alarm at Fukushima plant — Warning of leakage at Reactor No. 1 turbine building — Leak then detected at Reactor No. 3 — Camera captures images of water pouring in after “very heavy rain” — Powerful storm still packing gusts of up to 180 km/hr off Fukushima coast.

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