Attempts Being Made to Suppress Russia, BRICS in International Arena

Attempts are being made to suppress in the international arena not only Russia but the entire BRICS developing-nation assembly of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, Russian experts said on Wednesday.
“The current situation shows that there are attempts to suppress not only Russia but also the BRICS given that the global role of this association has only intensified,” Vladimir Davydov, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Latin America, said at a Moscow-Brasilia video conference.
“The forthcoming period will bring proof,” Davydov said, adding that an information war unleashed against Russia could also hit Brazil, India and China.
The expert noted that Western sanctions should not be considered purely negative. “The Russian man often needs extreme conditions to make a technological breakthrough,” he said. “I suppose that the coming years, which will be difficult for Russia, will offer us new solutions both in the economy and technology.”
“More and more communication takes place through BRICS channels today,” Georgy Toloraya, executive director of the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research, said Thursday.
“Unfortunately, the period of stability in international relations has come to an end, and the BRICS got into this geopolitical situation,” Toloraya said. “However, institutionalisation of this group is very important, and the BRICS will continue to develop further.”