Real Mind Control Sex Slaves We Know

Real Mind Control Sex Slaves We Know

By Red Pill Reports

Jamie Hanshaw, self confessed ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ goes deep into the rabbit hole and talks about the history of mind control sex slaves and the many current manifestations. She delves into the music industry’s connection and key players. She also gets into Monarch programming. Nazi scientists brought in after WW2 in ‘Project Paper Clip’, followed by ‘MKUltra’, with experiments using LSD, psychotronic weapons and mind control. Jamie writes,

If you believe that slavery is a thing of the past, you are still a slave. The continuity of the practice of slavery on planet earth is staggering. The idea of owning another person is as old as civilization itself, going all the way back to ancient Sumer. Predating all other forms of coerced labor, not only is it ancient, but it is oh, so contemporary…and fashionable!

Some individuals, abused at an early age, begin the cycle of victimization and complete it as adults. Misdirection, confusion and fantasy play are used to confuse victims until they are not able to differentiate between fantasy and reality, creating disassociation in their minds.

Mind Control Sex Slaves

The process used to create split personalities has to do with trauma-torture. By stressing the brain to a degree that it causes amnesiac barriers. If this protocol has been generational, the torture begins very early. This goes so far as a mother who carries the child is being tortured during pregnancy.

Signs and symbols we see in popular culture are clues to the widespread use of this. Listen to this riveting interview below, and decide for yourself. Are some of our most popular ‘Pop Culture’ icons really ‘Mind Control Sex Slaves’?


Psychotronics is a term coined in 1967 by Zdeněk Rejdák for the study of parapsychology. Extensive research programmes and numerous conferences into the field during the 1970s and 80s sparked Cold War fears of mind control and other psychotronic weaponry being developed by Eastern Bloc countries which led to popularisation of the term in the West.

Since the mid-1990s, rumors of secret research into psychological warfare have led to a number of conspiracy theories. Campaign groups in Russia and the US have alleged that their governments are using psychotronic weapons against them to torture them, track their movements or control their minds.

Monarch Programming

A former military officer connected to the DIA, told this writer, “In the ‘big picture’ these people (MONARCH victims) are in all walks of life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy”. In corroboration, a retired CIA agent vaguely discussed the use of such personnel to be used as “plants” or “chameleons” for the purpose of infiltrating a designated group, gathering information and/or injecting an ulterior agenda. Ron Patton (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control)

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