
Red Pill Reports’ Shows

1-26-2015 – News, Guest Greg Morse

Show Info 1-26-2015 – News, Guest Greg Morse

In the second hour JD is joined by Greg Morse for a deep discussion about the mortgage crisis and its connection to your mortgage, the criminal corporate banking cartel and international terrorism. Greg goes through specific examples of fraud present in 90% of mortgages to help homeowners identify when they have been victems of fraud or broken chains of title.

Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Show Info 1-14-2015 – News, Guest Ken Schortgen Jr

In the second hour JD is joined by Ken Shortgen Jr. of the Daily Economist to discuss current Geo-political and economic developments from around the world including the continued slide of the Ruble and its contagion in the global economy, the real-time demise of the US shale industry and the future of the EU in the context of Greece’s pending snap election and potential exit stage left.

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