Vote Fraud: How Many Elections Will Be Stolen?
By Investor’s Business Daily
Theft: As “calibration errors” switch votes in Illinois and Maryland, an election watchdog group sues the latter over massive voting by noncitizens in one county after discovering voters registered in multiple states.
The fact that many people will do anything to get out of jury duty has exposed massive fraudulent voting in Frederick County, Md., that may have been going on for years. Illegal aliens who stated they were noncitizens on jury duty forms were found to have cast votes in elections.
Maryland is one of many states that in the process of making it easier to vote has also made vote fraud easier to commit. Maryland both issues driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and has a Motor Voter law that allows that license to be used to register and vote.
The VVA filed suit Friday in U.S. District Court in Maryland asserting that individuals who opted out of jury duty as noncitizens have been able to cast votes in at least three Maryland elections.
Based on the number of these unqualified voters in Frederick County, it is estimated that up to 7% of Maryland’s registered voters could be illegal immigrants, enough to swing elections.
“Their continued appearance on these lists makes it nearly impossible for Maryland law to prevent these declared noncitizens from casting votes in elections and significantly affecting the integrity and outcomes of overall electoral processes,” said VVA President Reagan George.
As we noted earlier, when the VVA cross-checked voter rolls in Virginia and Maryland, it announced that it had turned up 44,000 people registered to vote in both states at the same time. The group also identified 31,000 dead voters via the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File.