
Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Show Info 5-7-2015 – News, Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

In the second hour, JD is joined by author, researcher and geo-political guru, Kenneth Schortgen Jr. for a discussion about the current state of global economics and and the war on cash. Ken touches on the true nature of the TPP, pending changes to the world economic system and what you can do to prepare for whatever lies ahead. Join us for a perspective on world events only found at the Red Pill Reports!

Guest Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Show Info 1-14-2015 – News, Guest Ken Schortgen Jr

In the second hour JD is joined by Ken Shortgen Jr. of the Daily Economist to discuss current Geo-political and economic developments from around the world including the continued slide of the Ruble and its contagion in the global economy, the real-time demise of the US shale industry and the future of the EU in the context of Greece’s pending snap election and potential exit stage left.

Chris Geo

Sheree & Chris Geo

Chris & Sheree are a wealth of information and their combined knowledge of geo-politics, eugenics, economics, alternative history, the occult, and ancient texts and artifacts really brings together the big picture.

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