Stop the Killing of Thousands of Marine Mammals
By Felicia Trujillo | Red Pill Reports
Defending the Olympic National Forest and Park
(RedPillReports) Defending the Olympic National Forest and Park. Stop the killing of thousands of marine mammals, and militarized interruption of fishermen and boats. The deadline is February 2,2015.
A “Supplemental Draft,” to the January 2014 EIS called “Northwest Training and Testing Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement” was recently announced. This is for sea-based activity. The changes in the Supplemental Draft Include:
- Expansion of sonar and explosive activities in the “training zone” to include the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the waters off Indian Island, Puget Sound, and the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, which consists of 2,408 square nautical miles of Olympic Peninsula coastline.
- Marine Mammal kills:
- The Navy estimates thousands of marine mammals would be killed or harmed.
- Maritime effects
- Hood Canal Bridge Effects
The Navy predicts more and longer bridge closings at Hood Canal, which will not be announced until the last minute due to “national security.” - More Private vessel boardings, called “visits.”
- Notices to Move
Fishermen will be given one hour’s notice to vacate an area of Naval activity, and must abandon deployed fishing gear such as in-water nets or pots
- Hood Canal Bridge Effects
Four public meetings will be held to inform the public about the revisions to the Navy’s Proposed Action and findings in the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS, and solicit public comments on the environmental analysis. The public meetings will include an open house information session in which Navy representatives will be available to provide information and answer questions about the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS.
The main web page for this EIS is here: and the written comment page with public meetings schedule is here:
Remember, this deadline is February 2.
Video: Orca’s in the Straight of Juan de Fuca