
Red Pill Reports’ Shows

Elana Freeland

Show Info 2-16-2015 – News, Guest Elana Freeland

In the second hour, JD is joined by author Elana Freeland for an in depth discussion about the military industrial complex’s plan to completely control the weather as outlined in her newest book, Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Elana talks about the various platforms of engagement, both land and sea based, as well as the plans for the future “space fence” being developed and deployed right now.

Stewart Rhodes - Oathkeepers

Show Info 2-02-2015 – News, Guest Stewart Rhodes

In the second hour JD is joined by Stewart Rhodes, founder of the OathKeepers organization for a discussion about the true constitutional limits on government, how those limits affect the role of law enforcement in our society and the many ways in which the OathKeepers are working to prepare communities for instances where the Government chooses to ignore those limits.

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